Saturday, September 13, 2008

September 2008 Meeting

Thanks to Shelley and Ann for hosting the meeting at Quilters Quarters in Spring Valley. Thanks also for imparting all of your knowledge on getting started on our whole cloth challenge. I have to apologize for not getting a photo of the Quilts on a Stick that Shelly and Ann brought. I don't know what I was thinking! They were wonderfully cute and creative for those of you that were not able to be at the meeting. You'll have to take my word for it.
Cathy, Janet, Steve and Linda.
Barb, Michelle, Bertha, Shelly (sneaking around the back) Lucinda, and Cathy again.
Heidi, Sandy, Nancy (Sandy's Sis), and Barb again.

Linda, Ann, Heidi and Sandy
Ann's whole cloth layout.
"Give me some ideas on how to quilt this," asks Heidi.
Shelley's show and tell.
Close up of Shelley's work.
Lucinda's Show and tell.The back of Lucinda's.
Heidi's Stars and loops.
Ann's Show and tell.

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